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Israel and Palestine Resources: Home

This guide aims to provide NMH students, teachers, and community members with resources on the current situation in Israel and Palestine

This is a live guide of resources and is intended for internal student and community use at NMH School.

As always is encouraged, be critical in your assessment of resources and be aware of inaccurate information surrounding this evolving topic.

If you have additional questions or need support, please contact a trusted adult.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict By the Center for Preventive Action

Books in our library


Historical Background Information
Historical Background Information

Information from our databases

From ABC-Clio, World at War: Understanding Conflict and Society

From Gale, Global Issues in Context:

From GaleOneFile: News

From Gale Opposing Viewpoints:



Live News Coverage- CONTENT WARNING- Much of this coverage includes images and descriptions that are disturbing and graphic in nature. Please use discretion when viewing and reading live news coverage on this issue.

Relevant News Articles

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