...the end of your sentence (Pollan, 2006).
Pollan (2006) found that…
In 2006, Pollan explored the...
Pollan noticed that...the end of your sentence (2006).
Use these tabs to locate the type of source you are citing.
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Books in Print
Physical books you can hold in your hands.
In Reference List:
Whole Book:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of book. City, State (or Country) of Publication: Publisher’s Name.
Pollan, M. (2006). The omnivore’s dilemma: A natural history of four meals. New York: Penguin.
Chapter in a Book:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Chapter title. In Contributors, Title of book (Pages). City, State (or Country) of Publication: Publisher’s Name.
Pollan, M. (2006). The farm. In The omnivore’s dilemma: A natural history of four meals. (pp. 32-56). Penguin.
In-Text Parenthetical:
...the end of your sentence (Pollan, 2006).
Pollan (2006) found that…
In 2006, Pollan explored the...
Pollan noticed that...the end of your sentence (2006).
Books in Databases or Websites
Often referred to as eBooks or electronic books, books in databases require the use of a computer device to read and are found in a subscription database, most often a library database, or on the Internet.
In Reference List:
Whole Book:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Title of book. Retrieved from URL.
Pollan, M. (2006). The omnivore’s dilemma: A natural history of four meals. Retrieved from http://nmh.axis360.baker-taylor.com/Title?itemId=0017159368&includeRecommendable=false.
Chapter in a Book:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). “Chapter title.” In Contributors, Title of book (Pages). Retrieved from URL or Database Name.
Pollan, M. (2006). “The farm.” In The omnivore’s dilemma: A natural history of four meals (pp. 32-56). Retrieved from http://books.google.com/books?id=QZ1D4Q8uZuoC&q=farm#v=onepage&q&f=false.
Reference Sources in Print
Physical encyclopedias, dictionaries, and atlases that you can hold in your hands.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Chapter title. In Contributors, Title of book (Pages). City, State (or Country) of Publication: Publisher’s Name.
Freedman, B., Duncan, L., & Lerner, K. L. (2014). Global warming. In K. L. Lerner & B. W. Lerner (Eds.), The Gale encyclopedia of science (pp. 2009-13). Farmington Hills: Gale.
Reference Sources in Databases or Websites
Often referred to as eBooks or electronic books, books in databases require the use of a computer device to read and are found in a subscription database, most often a library database, or on the Internet.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Chapter title. In Contributors, Title of book (Pages). Retrieved from URL or Database Name.
Freedman, B., Duncan, L., & Lerner, K. L. (2014). Global warming. In K. L. Lerner & B. W. Lerner (Eds.), The Gale encyclopedia of science (pp. 2009-13). Retrieved from http://libraries.state.ma.us/login?gwurl=http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?p=GVRL&sw=w&u=mlin_w_nthfield&v=2.1&it=r&id=GALE%7CCX3727801117&asid=979f099120bbdb02e777841421d50cdc.
Newspapers in Print
Printed publications (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles, advertisements, and correspondence.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Date). Article title. Title of Newspaper.
Stager, C. (2017, January 7). What the muck of Walden Pond tells us about our planet. The New York Times.
Newspapers in Databases or Websites
These newspaper articles require the use of a computer device to read and are found in a subscription database, most often in a library database, or on the Internet.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Date). Article title. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from URL or Database Name.
Stager, C. (2017, January 7). What the muck of Walden Pond tells us about our planet. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1856440027/A0A2C78E70564AD7PQ/1?accountid=5771.
Magazines in Print
Printed publications (usually issued weekly or monthly) containing articles and illustrations, typically covering a particular subject of area of interest.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Date). Article title. Title of Magazine, Pages.
Hemingway, M. (2016, December 5). Change in the legal climate. The Weekly Standard, 8-12.
Magazines in Databases or Websites
These magazine articles require the use of a computer device to read and are found in a subscription database, most often in a library database, or on the Internet.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Date). Article title. Title of Magazine, Pages.
Retrieved from URL or Database Name.
Hemingway, M. (2016, December 5). Change in the legal climate. The Weekly Standard, 8-12. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1845924498?accountid=5771.
Journals in Print
Printed publications (usually issued monthly, bimonthly or quarterly) containing articles in which scholarship relating to a particular discipline is published. They are usually peer-reviewed or refereed.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Article title. Title of Journal, Volume(Number), Pages.
Ramberg, B. (2009). The precendents for withdrawl: From Vietnam to Iraq. Foreign Affairs, 88(2), 2-10.
Journals in Databases or Websites
These journal articles require the use of a computer device to read and are found in a subscription database, most often in a library database, or on the Internet.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial. (Publication Year). Article title. Title of Journal, Volume(Number), Pages. Retrieved from URL or Database Name.
Ramberg, B. (2009). The precendents for withdrawl: From Vietnam to Iraq. Foreign Affairs, 88(2), 2-10. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1845924498?accountid=5771.
Films in DVD format
Full-length feature films or movies that are on a DVD.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial of Contributers. (Year of Film’s Release). Title of film [DVD]. Country of Origin: Studio/Distributor.
Shanley, J. P. (Director). (2002). Joe versus the volcano [DVD]. United States: Warner Home Video.
Video in Websites
Video clips that are found in subscription databases such as Netflix or on websites such as YouTube.
In Reference List:
A full-length film in a subscription website such as Netflix:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial of Contributers. (Year of Film’s Release). Title of film [Motion Picture]. Retrieved from URL.
DuVernay, A. (Director). (2016). 13th. Retrieved from http://www.netflix.com/title/80091741.
A video clip on a website such as YouTube:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial of Contributers. (Year of Film’s Release). Title of video clip [Video file]. Video posted to URL.
DuVernay, A. (Director). (2016, September 26). 13th | Official trailer [Video file]. Video posted to http://youtu.be/V66F3WU2CKk.
Web Pages in Websites
A document that can be displayed in a web browser, such as Google Chrome.
In Reference List:
Author Last Name, First Initial Middle Initial or Publisher if there is no author. (Publication Date or n.d. if no date). Web page title. Retrieved from URL.
Town of Montague. (n.d.) Village of Turners Falls, Retrieved from www.montague.net/pages/MontagueMA_WebDocs/Turners.
Page Numbers
Title Page
References Title
In-Text Parenthetical References